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Arthritis - Help Manage the Pain

Arthritis - Help Manage the Pain

Diet Recommendations to Help Manage the Pain of Arthritis



Consume cold-water fish (cod, tuna, salmon, mackerel) six times a week.

Three small serves a day of protein eg fish, tofu, eggs, soybeans, yoghurt.

Linseed oil, evening primrose oil, cod liver oil and GLA/EFA supplementation may support or replace fish in the diet.  Also legumes, grains, seeds, nuts.



  • Wholegrains eg. Brown rice, buckwheat pasta.
  • Unlimited vegetables, especially alfalfa, bean sprouts, beetroot, all dark leafy greens, broccoli, cucumber, squash and cauliflower.
  • Fruit, especially bananas, avocado. (limit to 1-2 servings/day)
  • Legumes e.g. Kidney beans, soy beans, chickpeas and lentils.

Improve bowel flora by eating yoghurt with acidophilus bifidus daily, or supplementing with acidophilus capsules.

Increase the consumption of:

  • Foods rich in mucopolysaccharides eg. Oats & okra (or supplement with Glucosamine).
  • Blueberries, grapes, cherries and pineapples.
  • Lecithin - Add two teaspoons to salad dressings or sprinkle over food daily
  • Selenium - brewer’s yeast, garlic, onions, wheat germ, green leafy veg, broccoli, cabbage, tuna
  • Calcium - fish with bones, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, watercress, figs
  • Manganese - wheat germ, wholegrains, nuts, green leafy veg
  • Magnesium - nuts, seeds, wholegrains, green leafy veg, brewers yeast, seafood, legumes


  • Smoking & Alcohol
  • Processed Foods - Including sausages, salami, bacon and other salted foods
  • Sugar - Including Soft drinks, sweetened fruit juices, sweets, fried food
  • All nightshade foods or plants, eg. Potato, eggplant, tomato, chilli, capsicum and tobacco.
  • Fat on meats & chicken skin
  • Tea & Coffee.


Meal Ideas


First thing 

Juice of half a lemon in a cup of warm water.


Homemade muesli: raw oatmeal, rice flakes, puffed millet, sunflower seeds, sultanas, chopped almonds/brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds and coconut. Take a cup of this mix and add ground linseeds, rice/soya milk and a chopped banana.

Toasted wholegrain bread with hummus, cottage cheese, sardines or baked beans * add onions, sprouts, grated carrot, avocado etc.

Cooked cereal eg Oats, rice or buckwheat. Add brewers yeast, sunflower seeds, ground linseeds, banana and soy/rice milk.

Morning, Afternoon or Supper Snacks & Drinks

Wholemeal sandwich with avocado, hummus, tzatziki with added turmeric. Top with spinach, cucumber, onions, sprouts, tomato etc.

Nuts and seeds with sultanas.
Banana, yoghurt, lecithin & sesame seeds.
Hot dandelion/caro with soy/rice milk.
Herb tea or freshly squeezed juice eg carrot, beetroot & apple juice.


Wholegrain bread sandwich with a mixture of salad. Include a little tuna, salmon, cottage cheese or hommos.

Vegetable soup including beans, cauliflower, garlic and wholemeal rice.
Salad of mixed vegetables eg lettuce salad, tabouli salad, spinach, cucumber, onions, grated beetroot, carrot, sprouts, celery. Add small piece of grilled fish, tuna, and salmon.


Choose items from below & combine using turmeric, garlic, herbs and spices to flavour.

  • At least 3 different vegetables eg. Broccoli, cucumber, onions, beetroot, carrot, sprouts, celery etc.
  • Beans/chickpeas/lentils, tofu or fish.
  • Brown rice, buckwheat or wholemeal noodles, wholemeal pasta.
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10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

 1. Diet

Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables which are rich in nutrients like vitamins C, and E,

beta-carotene, and, zinc.


2. Exercise

A daily 30-minute walk can help your immune system fight infection, boost your body's feel-

good chemicals and help you sleep better.


3. Sleep

Poor sleep can lead to higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases inflammation

in your body.


4. Alcohol

Think moderation! Too much alcohol can also cause inflammation within the body and can

interfere with getting adequate restful sleep.


5. Stress

Stress hormones suppress the immune system. Try meditation, a calming app, just slow

down and connect with friends and family.


6. Supplements

Supplements that may help to support the immune response include Astragalus, Andrographis,

Echinacea, Vitamin C and Zinc.


7. Laughter

This wonderful expression encourages the brain to secrete endorphins, almost immediately

reducing the levels of stress in the body! Watch a comedy!!


8. Relationships

Having strong relationships and a sound social network is good for you!  Spend time with loved

ones and a community who share an interest or those who just inspire you!


9. Smoking

Stop! There are many options to help you quit, including patches, gum, or even clinical



10. Sun

Direct sunlight is one of the major contributors to the production of Vitamin D in our body.

This vitamin is essential for healthy functioning of the immune system as it helps the body to

produce antibodies.


With these small changes in your daily routine, you can ensure a happy immune system!





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